Radio Luz 1680AM Job Fair October 2019

October 24th, 2019
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
14700 6th Avenue Southwest Burien Washington 98166
I'm an employer interested in recruiting at a job fair

The "Radio Luz Job Fair" Powered by Seattle Credit Union is created to be an interactive, warm and inviting opportunity to personally connect those seeking a job with the recruiting team of multiple companies like Seattle Credit Union, Alaska Airlines - Seattle-Tacoma Int'l Airport SEA, Port of Seattle, Seatac Airport Jobs, Stratus Building Solutions of Seattle, Golden Memorial, Salem Surround, Washington Air National Guard, Tutta Bella and many more! Please bring your resume, and be ready to interview on the spot. *** Free Starbucks Gift Card for registering and attending *** If you are a company who needs a booth at this job fair, please contact Debby Orellana at 206-269-6237 or [email protected]. ____________________________________________________ La "Feria de Trabajo de Radio Luz" Patrocinada por Seattle Credit Union ha sido creada con el proposito de ser una opportunidad interactiva para conectar personalmente a aquellos en busca de trabajo con el equipo de contrataciones de multiples compañías como Seattle Credit Union, Alaska Airlines - Seattle-Tacoma Int'l Airport (SEA), Port of Seattle, Seatac Airport jobs, Stratus Building Solutions of Seattle, Golden Memorial, Salem Surround, Washington Air National Guard, Tutta Bella and many more! Por favor traer su curriculum, y estar preparado para entrevistas. ***
Recibe gratis un Starbucks gift card cuando se registre y cuando asista
*** Si usted es una compañía que quiere un kiosko en esta feria de trabajo, por favor contacte a Debby Orellana al 206-269-6237 o [email protected] #jobfair #employment #burien #job #jobs #recruit #recruiting #recruiter #hr #employ #hire #hiring #nowhiring #fair #career #careerfair #empleo #feriadetrabajo #feria #trabajo #contratar #carrera #emplear #reclutar

Are you an employer interested in reserving a job fair exhibitor booth?

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