New Concept Job Fair

July 17th, 2018
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
1052 Ocean Dr Miami Beach Florida 33139
I'm an employer interested in recruiting at a job fair

New Concept in Ocean Drive is seeking individuals who have a passion for food and excellence in customer service.

We have full time and/or part-time work in both front of house and back of house positions for:

- Line Cooks
- Pantry/Prep cooks
- Dishwashers
- Servers
- Servers Assistants
- Food Runners
- Hostesses

Come in to the job fair at 1052 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139, this next Monday and Tuesday from 10 AM to 5 PM. Get Hired on the spot.

Nuevo concepto en Ocean Drive está buscando a gente apasionada por la comida y el excelente servicio al cliente.

Tenemos posiciones tiempo completo y/o medio tiempo. Para la cocina y el piso:

- Cocineros
- Preparadores
- Lavavajillas
- Meseros (Inglés fluído).
- Ayudantes de Meseros
- Recepcionistas (Inglés fluído).

Ven a la feria de trabajo en 1052 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139 el próximo Lunes y Martes de 10 AM a 5 PM. Podrás ser contratado ahí mismo.

Employers: New Concept

Are you an employer interested in reserving a job fair exhibitor booth?

Let's get started...

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