Let's Get Back to Work Louisville

September 23rd, 2021
10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Triple Crown Pavillion
1776 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown Kentucky 40299
I'm an employer interested in recruiting at a job fair

(502) 309-6427

Job fair organizer: LOUBiz

Let's Get Back to Work Louisville: In-Person Job Fair
Are you looking for a job in the Louisville Metro Area? Are you tired of sending resumes to employers and wondering why they haven't gotten back to you? The key is getting in front of the right recruiter that is hiring. At our Louisville job fair, you will meet dozens and dozens of hiring managers from the top companies in the surrounding area. At the job fair, you will be able to interview with multiple companies all in the same location on the same day, giving you a much better chance of success.

Job Seekers
Attending our career fair will save you time and energy finding a job in Louisville and the surrounding area. Preparation is key, update your resume and bring multiple copies to the hiring event. Don't forget to dress to impress.
Drop your resume at www.loujobs.com
Register today to make sure you are one of the candidates they hire.

Employers our job fairs are easy for you as we incorporate it with our easy to use job board. We also work with state agencies, community agencies and social media to get the word out. We will get millions of branding impressions and your company will be front and center.
We have Virtual Booths also. We can draw job seekers literally around the world with our job board and virtual booths featuring chat capability. Need to conduct an online interview, no worries our platform is built on Microsoft Teams.


Employers: MPS, GOODWILL, CTDI, VELVET ICE CREAM, CROWN, MANPOWER, SAMSUNG, Rainbow Design, Change Today, Park Community Bank, Seven Counties, ISCO, Kentucky Farm Bureau, MPW Services, Federal Government, Adobe, and more!!!

Register to attend

Are you an employer interested in reserving a job fair exhibitor booth?

Let's get started...

☑ I agree to the "Terms of Service"

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