Tampa Job Fair - November 7th

Top event Tampa Job Fair - November 7th

November 7th, 2024
10:00 AM to 02:00 PM
George M. Steinbrenner Field
1 Steinbrenner Dr Tampa Florida 33614
I'm an employer interested in recruiting at a job fair

(813) 875-8555

Job fair organizer:

Take the next step in your career! Whether you're actively seeking a new job or simply exploring your options, this multi-industry hiring event will have opportunities for everyone. Explore a wide range of career possibilities, connect with industry professionals, and make a lasting impression on potential employers. On-the-spot interviews & job offers will be made. Register today!

Parking and admission are FREE!

Dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes! 

Employers: Beasley Media Group, LLC, CareerSource - Hillsborough / Pinellas, Center For Technology Training, Computer Coach, Gulf Coast JFCS, HH Staffing, Jiffy Lube, Massey Services, My IT Future Institute, New York Life, USAA, and more...

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