Indianapolis Job Fair - February 15th Indianapolis Job Fair - February 15th

February 15th, 2023
10:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Wyndham Indianapolis West
2544 Executive Dr Indianapolis Indiana 46241
I'm an employer interested in recruiting at a job fair

(502) 412-7500

Job fair organizer:

GET HIRED! Your next career opportunity is right around the corner at the Indianapolis Job Fair! Whether you’re looking for an entry-level position or a more experienced management job, this hiring event will have something for you. On-the-spot interviews & job offers will be made! 

We encourage you to register online and upload your resume so that companies exhibiting at the job fair can access your information, increasing your employment opportunities!

Tips for Job Fair Success: 

• Dress professionally as if attending a job interview 

• Practice your personalized pitch which should summarize your skills and experience 

• Make a good first – and lasting – impression with each recruiter 

• Bring several copies of your updated resume or work history to the event

Parking and Admission are FREE!

Click here for a directory of companies and positions.

Employers: Early Learning Indiana, Eli Lilly and Company, EmployIndy, Express Scripts-A Cigna Company, Heavy Equipment Colleges of America, Heritage Environmental Services, Indianapolis International Airport, Kelly Services, Louisville Metro Department of Corrections, Marion County Sheriff's Office, R.T. Moore, RATP Dev USA, Staff Management | SMX, StoneMor Inc., TSW Utility Solutions, Inc., and more...

Register to attend

Are you an employer interested in reserving a job fair exhibitor booth?

Let's get started...

☑ I agree to the "Terms of Service"

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