UCSC Extension Career Fair 2019—Registrations Now Closed

February 28th, 2019
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
3175 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara California 95054

Registration closed.
Thanks for your interest in Career Fair 2019. We've reached our capacity! No more registrations will be accepted. (2/25/19)
A Note to Employers: 
We still have a few table spaces left. Please let us know if you'd like to recruit at Career Fair 2019.

Employer Registration.
See more info below. 
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Jobs • Internships • Career Advisors
Join us for UCSC Extension Career Fair 2019 and meet some of the most exciting employers in Silicon Valley. If you're looking for a job, an internship, or some great career advice, come to this free event.Our previous career fair brought together a diverse and accomplished pool of over 350 candidates. More than 50 percent of those candidates had a master's degree or higher. We are excited to once again be able to connect companies with our eager, talented, and qualified students.
The first hour is reserved for UCSC Extension alumni.
Come see our beautiful Bowers Avenue location. Bring your business cards, your resume, and your story. TOur HR instructors will be on hand to help you polish up your resume and practice your interview skills.
2–3 PM UCSC Extension alumni only.
3–5 PM The event opens to the public.
UCSC Extension Job Fair 2019.
Questions? ExtensionProgram@ucsc.edu • (408) 861-3860

A Note to Employers: 
We still have a few table spaces left. Please let us know if you'd like to recruit at Career Fair 2019. Our student population is largely composed of mid-career professionals with backgrounds and degrees in engineering and technology, project management, business communications, marketing, human resources, the biosciences, design, and education. If you are an employer interested in recruiting from a leading educational institution for professional development and job skills training in Silicon Valley, we invite you to come and meet our highly qualified professionals, many of whom have completed coursework at UCSC Extension and are actively striving to further their careers. We will be promoting all participating partners in our marketing materials, including email campaigns and advertisements.

Employer Registration.
Contact Sophia at sosun@ucsc.edu for more information.