Speed Networking with Recruiters: Network your way to a Job @Google, SF

June 22nd, 2018
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
345 Spear Street San Francisco California 94105

Are you looking for a job or looking to transition into a new career?
Would you like to get tips and advice to help you land your dream job?
Join us for our Speed Networking/Mentoring event where you will get face time and job search advice from recruiters, hiring managers and career counselors.
The evening will start with lightning talks by each recruiter followed by the speed networking.
Jobseekers will then meet recruiters, hiring managers and career counselors in a group mentoring format, asking questions and advice about your job search and making valuable connections. The groups will switch every 10 minutes.
This event is open to women and men of all professional backgrounds. 

Ellen Heirbaut, Lead Technical Recruiter at Yelp

6:00-6:30pm - Registration and Networking
6:30-7:00pm - Introductions and Presentations
7:00-8:30pm - Speed Networking with Recruiters
8:30-9:00pm- Networking Contd.

Thank you to our venue Sponsors
Google Launchpad


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If you are interested in participating in our career fair or sharing job openings at your company with our network, please e-mail us at info@theexpatwoman.com

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If you would like host or sponsor an event, promote your brand, product or service online or at an event, or recruit from our network of talented and diverse professionals, e-mail us at info@theexpatwoman.com

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You agree The Expat Woman, is not responsible for circumstances that may necessitate for substitutions or cancellations of speakers.
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Tickets to this event are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, you have the option of giving it to a friend or team member to attend in your place.