Plant High School's Career Discovery Day

February 14th, 2023
8:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Plant High School Media Center
2415 South Himes Avenue Tampa Florida 33629

Plant High School is hosting a Career Discovery Day for the Junior and Senior class!

We are looking for employers and recruiters to connect with 100 - 150 of our students and share career paths they can pursue at your company that do not require a BA / BS degree yet provide them opportunity for growth and advancement.

You will have :30 to give an overview of the type of industry you are in, share the various career paths, and mention any part time or summer employment opportunities or mentorships or shadow days. And then engage with students at your table or conversation pit.

We only have room to accommodate 15 employers, and the event is free to participate in. If you would like to engage with our students, please "register" and attach a brief outline of the type of employment opportunities your company would plan to share.

We will have the students prepared ahead of time with resumes and coaching on how to engage with recruiters!