Midlands Opportunity Job Fair

June 12th, 2019
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
421 Bush River Road Columbia South Carolina 29210

Prosper Strong Foundation, Ynotu2, Saving Our Sons and WFMV Present Midlands Opportunity Job Fair. Going into the summer months there are a large number of students looking for employment and intern opportunities. There are also inviduals who are considered "unemployed or under employed". Both groups have their own individual challenges to finding suitable employment. Both Prosper Strong and Ynotu2 are know for their impact through what has been titled "Second Chance Employment".
"The title, "Second Chance" implies that an individual wasted a first chance." Kimani Davis Founder of Ynotu2. 
"Many individuals enter into the workforce ill prepared for success in selecting a career field and navigating the barriers they face when seeking employment." Travis Creech Founder Prosper Strong Foundation.
Weather that barrier is no work experience, lack of transportation, criminal background or a disability. All members of our community are deserving of an "Opportunity" to obtain meaningfull employment.
The Midlands Opportunity Job fair doesnt just bring employers and employees to the table. It also brings human service providers in to assist with some of those barriers and alternatives to employment. Such as Armed force recruiters, Athletic recruiters and Entreprenuer experts.