Phone: (904) 296-3006
Now's the time to get that Job! Tired of browsing online job boards all day? Come meet face-to-face with recruiters & hiring managers at the Jacksonville Job Fair on February 9th.
Whether you’re looking for an entry-level position or a more experienced management job, this hiring event will have something for you. Get in before these positions fill up!
Attendees are encouraged to pre-register! We’ll send you a reminder email one day prior to the hiring event.
Tips for Job Fair Success:
• Dress professionally as if attending a job interview
• Practice your personalized pitch which should summarize your skills and experience
• Make a good first – and lasting – impression with each recruiter
• Bring several copies of your updated resume or work history to the event
Parking and Admission are FREE!
Pre-register today and receive notifications of any updates or changes to the event, and also information regarding upcoming events in your area. In addition to event specifics, by pre-registering and uploading your resume, companies exhibiting at the job fair can access your information, increasing your employment opportunities!
Health & Safety Guidelines - We remain committed to your health and safety during this time and ask that you follow the below guidelines at the event:
• As an attendee, it is recommended that you wear a mask at all times.
• Please refrain from shaking hands with employers.
• We ask that you utilize hand sanitation stations throughout the venue.
• If you are sick, do not attend.
Interested in Recruiting?
Looking for qualified candidates to fill your positions? Job News Job Fairs are the perfect place to meet hundreds of potential candidates, network with employers, and increase your company's exposure. For more information, call (904) 296-3006.