Communication Studies Career Symposium

February 22nd, 2019
9:00 am – 11:30 am
San Luis Obispo California

The Annual Communication Studies Career Symposium is an opportunity for students to discover ways that they can use their Communicate Studies Degree after graduation. We will have professionals from various communication studies-related jobs come as keynote speakers to present about their careers and offer advice. This is also an opportunity for alumni, faculty and professionals to network and discover new opportunities. We hope to provide guidance to students regarding the incredible opportunities that they can pursue after graduation or for a summer internship. This networking event aims to connect the dots between the skills students are developing in school and their career. Although organized by the Cal Poly Communication Studies Club, this event is open to all Cal Poly students. It will specifically cater to those interested in marketing, public relations, human relations, development, government, sales, nonprofits, and event planning. Such careers include skills in written communication, coordination, social perceptiveness, spoken communication, active learning, critical thinking, and fluency of ideas. Essentially, the day will revolve around the skill of communication.

All majors are welcome!

The first portion of the event will contain the three keynote speakers along with time for questions and answers. The last half of the event will offer three options for attendees. Part of the space will be set up career fair style, and various professionals--in addition to the keynote speakers--will be looking for interns and employees. The next option will be a resume workshop station, where an executive recruiter will spend a few minutes looking over each resume and provide tips or edits. Finally, we will have a professional photographer to take LinkedIn photos. Attendees can participate in any and all of these options.