Career Mixer - Friday, September 20, 2019 @ Bar Boa

September 20th, 2019
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
3100 Clarendon Boulevard Arlington Virginia 22201

Career Mixers are monthly events designed to cultivate relationships between professionals and hiring companies by building new connections in a casual social setting. Unlike traditional job fairs, we promote and build connections without the need to hand out resumes and business cards.
This is a great opportunity for people not only looking for their dream careers, but also for those wanting to expand their professional networks which results in an enhance long-term career growth and personal development.
Our marketing program consists of reaching out to our vast network of friends, family, entrepreneurs, Alunmi, past co-workers, word of mouth and social media.
The format of Career Mixers promotes meaningful conversation between job-seekers and hiring companies. At the event, job-seekers and employers receive a nametag with first name only and no mention of job-seeker or hiring company status. This allows for a true relatable connection without the pressure of job market status.
Pre-registration is required to attend Career Mixers.
DRESS CODE: Business Attire!
Please understand that attendees of Career Mixers ARE NOT interested in MLM companies or representatives pitching to the guests. This is a platform to network for jobs or career changes. Do not attend this event if you represent the following companies: Click here