AAUW Work Smart Salary Negotiation Training at the Wichita Workforce Center

October 17th, 2019
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
2021 North Amidon Avenue Wichita Kansas 67203

AAUW Work Smart is a FREE two-hour salary negotiation workshop designed to give women the skills and confidence to advocate for themselves in the workplace.
Participants will learn:

About the gender pay gap, including its long-term impact on women and our economy 
How to identify and articulate your personal value
Tools to conduct objective market research and benchmark a target salary and benefits
Strategies to ask for—and get—the pay you deserve

Why it Matters:
On average, women working full time in the United States are paid 80 percent of what men are paid, a gap of 20 percent — for women of color and other marginalized groups, the pay gap is even wider. 
AAUW Work Smart in Wichita is a city-wide initiative of AAUW and the Junior League of Wichita. As a part of our efforts to close the gender pay gap, we have teamed up to lead 24 Work Smart salary negotiations workshops from September 2019 through the summer of 2020 to reach and support women across the city.
Attend a free workshop, empower yourself with the tools to negotiate for fair pay, and become a part of the movement to close the gender pay gap.

Junior League of Wichita
Junior League of Wichita, with a strong history of developing the potential of women, is proud to partner with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in a strategic effort to empower women in our community with negotiation skills needed to increase their earning potential and close the gender pay gap.

Wichita Workforce Center
The Workforce Centers of South Central Kansas are a one-stop resource for job seekers and employers. At the Workforce Centers JOB SEEKERS will find the tools and training needed to build a successful career and EMPLOYERS will find help with their hiring, training, or human resources needs. Because many local, state, and federal organizations help provide these valuable services, most are available free of charge.

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