AAUW Start Smart at Alverno College

June 4th, 2019
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
1324 West Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee Wisconsin 53233

AAUW Start Smart is a two-hour salary negotiation workshop designed to give college women the skills and confidence to advocate for themselves when they hit the job market.
Participants learn how to research competitive salaries, articulate their skills, qualifications and experience, and ask for—and get—the pay they deserve.
Why it Matters:
On average, women working full time in the United States are paid 80 percent of what men are paid, a gap of 20 percent — for women of color and other marginalized groups, the pay gap is even wider. 
AAUW has been working to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy since 1881. Attend this free workshop, empower yourself with the tools to negotiate for fair pay, and become a part of the movement to close the gender pay gap.

This AAUW Smart Start Workshop is open to the students of INTERN-383-02, Summer 2019 interns.