2019 55+ Boulder Job Fair

October 15th, 2019
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
5660 Sioux Drive Boulder Colorado 80303

The 55+ Job Fair is an opportunity for older adult job seekers to meet with potential employers from the community who are actively seeking employees with knowledge, experience and a work ethic that older adults bring to the workplace. This event is sponsored by the City of Boulder Housing & Human Services, The Boulder Chamber, Boulder Seniors Foundation and Workforce Boulder County. Employers will bring a broad spectrum of job opportunities including government, health care, recreation, retail, and more. Local nonprofits and other human service agencies will be available with information on housing, financial assistance, and other community supports for older adults. Admission and parking are free. Registration is recommended.
During the Job Fair, the following workshops will be available:
Get Hired at 55+
Get Hired 55+ explores strategies for finding a job, which websites to use, how to adjust your resume and what to say at interviews. Presented by Workforce Boulder County.
Resume Critiques
This 15-minute, first come, first served workshop is for job-seekers who need a minimal critique and are comfortable reworking their resume. No registration required.