Phoenix Job Fair - November 2019

November 4th, 2019
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
2435 South 47th Street Phoenix Arizona 85034
I'm an employer interested in recruiting at a job fair

Job Fair in Phoenix, AZ. "Best Career Events in Arizona!"
Companies in the Phoenix area are hiring for many positions! RSVP to reserve your spot!
Job Fairs in Phoenix AZ | Monday November 4th,  2019
Here are just some of the companies that have recently participated in the Greater Phoenix Job Fair. 
Job Fairs Are The Interviews YOU Get to Book job fairs are always focused on delivering the best expierience possible for job seekers.  Finding the right job can be a challenging process.  This is why we build face-to-face events to allow you to interact directly with the hiring company.
Take charge and come dressed to impress key recruiters in person. Treat this event like the interview YOU get to book and make sure to pack plenty of your resumes.Really want to reach and impress the employers at the fair? Take advantage of our resume upload tool when you register at the following link. Your FREE registration is for the November 4th, 2019 Phoenix Job Fair.  
Job Fair Common Questions:
How many resumes should I bring?
We always recommend bringing 10-15 resumes.  For more resume help and tips, click here.
What should I wear to a job fair?
Most job fairs are professional settings that encourage you to wear professional attire.  Do not wear shorts, flip flops or t-shirts.  Employers aren't focused just on what you're wearing as much as they are looking to see how committed you are to doing your best.  
How long is a job fair?
The LocalWork job fairs typically last for three hours.  We see job seekers with the most success when they arrive early and are one of the first candidates an employer talks with.
When is the next Phoenix job fair?
LocalWork does job fairs in Phoenix every month.  The full calendar of job fairs is on our website:
Are You Hiring? 
See why LocalWork job fairs have been listed as the best performing job fairs in Arizona for 5 years in a row.

Are you an employer interested in reserving a job fair exhibitor booth?

Let's get started...

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